My firm offers a complete range of services to assist our clients. Unlike many large & departmentalized firms, we offer our clients an ongoing and closely connected professional relationship. One in which you will always know who you are dealing with and who is representing you. Consequently, this will result in what is best for you because we will always be there to help you deal with important issues, problems and concerns as they occur. I consider the relationship with my clients to be an ongoing partnership that doesn’t end on April 15th. If you would like more information about my Tax Preparation Services or Financial & Accounting Services, please provide your contact information in the contact section of the web site.

workplace of the business

Business and Individual Income Tax Preparation with Electronic Filing

I have over 30 years of experience in managing and preparing taxes for a wide range of industries and professions. The firm utilizes one of the leading professional software vendors for CPA firms that enables us to save you tax dollars effectively and efficiently. The firm earns quality Continued Professional Education in the tax area to help assist you in an ever-changing and sometimes oppressive tax environment. Our priority is to help translate tax law that impacts your individual and business needs and be your advocate with the tax agencies. Whether we like it or not, today’s tax laws are so complicated that filing a relatively simple return can be challenging. It is so easy to overlook deductions and credits to which you are entitled. Evan if you use a computer tax software program, there’s no substitute for the assistance of an experienced tax professional. The use of an updated professional tax software program will identify easily overlooked tax issues. The IRS has a review process that I am trained and experienced to know. Consequently, we will prevent or limit unnecessary IRS contacts & audits. Your tax return will be filed electronically so you will get your refund back quicker. Our professional tax program also provides state of the art security to prevent breaches of your financial information. If you are a small business and you haven’t kept up with your bookkeeping, don’t worry – I can help you. I will economically compile your records on an annual or quarterly basis and prepare an audit-proof Income Statement. We ensure that the results of your business tax return will be constructed to overcome IRS accounting monitoring and prevent audit flags and accounting data inconsistencies.

Business financial statement preparation

We will prepare Non-Attest Financial Statements customized and written for the benefit of the owners and management. Statements are produced on an annual or quarterly basis depending on your specific needs. We have over 30 years’ experience and education in finance and accounting. This experience and knowledge base enables us to organize and interpret financial information in a meaningful and effective way. This will enable us to customize your statements. To be used for financing business operations, financial planning and forecasts and the timely monitoring of the results of your businesses operations. If you would like more information about my Financial Statement Services, please provide your contact information in the contact section of the web site.

Trust & Estate tax and accounting

I will provide Trust and Estate accounting required by your Fiduciaries and legal representatives and coordinate and prepare the required Federal and State Trust and Estate and Tax returns.

My professional tax programs are specifically geared to prepare any and all-Trust tax returns required by the Fiduciary, Trust and Estate attorneys and the executors. I have 20 years of education and experience with trusts and estates which will enable me to communicate effectively with your legal representatives.